Wednesday 26 June 2013

Mothers or monsters!

Women do look down on mothers who give up the custody of their children in a divorce.They ask each other..."what kind of a mother she is?".....But come on,not everyone is perfect.Being a mother under normal circumstances can be challenging.I am talking about the support of a loving husband,loving family etc.Then imagine the pressure a single mother goes through.She needs to keep a job,tolerate endless tantrums of babysitters,criticism from friends & family,but still keep a brave and smiling face in front of the children.It does get tiring at some point.So they find themselves at a cross road where so many women have found themselves before.And it is one weak moment which defines the destiny.Indian women have so few choices.Whether it comes to marriage or divorce or children.We are expected to fit in.What if some of us doesn't want to fit in? But life is not easy even after the decision is made. No mother is happy without her child.She lives with guilt all her life. Even though she knows in her heart there was no other choice.Nights are the worst...when you keep crying into your pillow.Pining for the little hands that used to wrap around you in bed.Dreaming of the sweet face which asks the question "why did you leave me?" even after years of separation.If you are a mother who is in this situation, just know that I know what you feel...And I love you!

Sunday 23 June 2013

Hello everyone...whoever you are reading my post...I am new to blogging.So please excuse if my posts are not upto your expectations.I will learn...quickly, I promise.

I have been living in a foreign country for past 2 years
I have settled down to glorious domesticity and not doing too bad.
.Recently I got curious about blogging.I started using facebook at the age of 35, So you see, I am a bit of a late bloomer. I never used a mobile before the age of 30. Now you must be wondering what an old fossil I must be...I just completed a young 38.
I will be using my blogs to express my feelings and thoughts...So please be patient...